Press Releases for system

  • 582

    Protect America is Seeking Employees for Customer CARE Center

    Protect America, one of the nation's leading home security companies, is hosting a job fair to find up to 18 qualified employees to work in customer service. The Protect America Job fair will be held on Jan. 8th at 2 P.M.

    By : | 01-11-2013 | Business:Business | Total Views : 582

  • 777

    Off-Grid Solar Panels from EMMVEE Available at Future Energy Solutions

    Future Energy Solutions (FES), a leading provider of components and engineering solutions for solar power and alternative energy, is pleased to announce the worldwide availability of solar panels for off-grid applications from EMMVEE.

    By : | 05-11-2012 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 777

  • 552

    Face Recognition Solution Access Control System: Unlimited Storage Space

    Face Recognition Solution, an India based supplier for access control system, provides unlimited space to store face templates in the database of its product. This feature proves to be helpful to small industries as well as large companies.

    By : | 05-02-2011 | Technology:Software | Total Views : 552